i found out about what the u_s_ government had planned before revising the methodology for computing g_d_p_ just this morning i was reading this piece in it the financial times u_s_ economy gets a hollywood makeover and the idea is to change the way they can pw g_d_p_ the result is going to be a much bigger g_d_p_ uh... what a coincidence you see that's what the government does write whenever they don't like the results the changes in that but al ology for calculating those results see when it comes to inflation the numbers were to hide in one of them small so they change the way they calculated inflation and the result is less inflation accorded the government third they've been doing the same thing with g_p_ this is not the first time they have changed the way the compute g_d_p_ within goal of producing a larger number this is exactly what they've done now doesn't mean the economy's actually any bigger but they can pretend it's bigger now why does the government of pretend the economy is bigger what did it really is well you know just like any kid you know he'd like to pretend that he got an a now even though is you know he he's he's getting a lower-grade right it's good to pretend that you're doing better than you are and that we're gonna do and why do we want to attend were doing that are because then it will make that debt look smaller if we can claim we have a bigger connie then we can claim we can handle it that and maybe some of our creditors will be dumb enough to believe the hype but let's look at what they're going to be changing in the uh... the the g_d_p_ well most of the changes are gonna com to the investment business investment member g dot g_d_p_ is c applause g plus arctic plus net out trade and the i is business investment well the government is now going to count things as investments network out of the four and that not any other country on the planet earth counts so we're going to the only country in the world that's going to include this in our g_d_p_ calculations which means that it makes the comparison between our g_d_p_ in somebody else's you know now it's an apples to orange comparison begins work county stop that they're not so what is one of the things that we're gonna count r_n_d_ spending research and development so everytime accompany spends money on research and development it's getting count as if they build a factory or something but r_d_ spending is not an investment and at if you look at gap accounting if the company spends money on research and development it expenses it writes it off in the year it spends it if youu invest money on building a factory you don't write that off you depreciated over time but is an investment if it doesn't get done you know right off in the current year but you do on your expenditures now summit will say will research and and and and and develop it is important to any could increase the long-term profitability of a competition night and hence the research and development is successful it may very well lead to business investment maybe the research something they they discover something they figure out something and now they have to invest in plant equipment two-day-old what the research came up with right so you're still gonna get it in there plus when you're most of the r_n_d_ is salaries a lot of it is paying people and of course that's already in the g_d_p_ because they spend that money right i mean the people that they that they bright paychecks to be the researchers but the probably trying to capitalize our claim that it's an investment is because it's not because a lot of the research and development is a waste a lot of times uh... they end up with a dead end or maybe they develop a product that nobody wants or the research shows that they shouldn't do something but one of the big items as can be captured in this is the research that's done by defense contractors in trying to figure out how to build better bombs now why should that research be considered an investment his academic economy any bigger because of budget military bunch of no narrow space companies are spending lots of money trying to figure out how to make better bombs i mean of course what a what if they don't look at the retreat salts are the bombard even any better but they spent it on research but these are expenses they're not investments but the government to treat them as expense of course they're not going to treat them as expensive for tax purposes because then keep them then companies would not be able to do is much r_d_ but they're gonna treat them that way for g_d_p_ but it's also gonna make u_s_ corporations look more profitable because now their profits are gonna have to be reduced by their r_d_ spending of course they will for tax purposes so it's it's it's you know the it's another line that it even gets worse when it comes to uh... spending money are produced a motion picture or television show to write a book or even a greeting card uh... poetry painting operatives thing works of art all of this now is gonna be included as investing so it you know when they showed a television show that's getting count as an investment just like building a factory anne commodity crazy now they're trying to claim that this is true because when you invest in a live wary of entertainment products like television you could sell these products for years and years and therefore it's an investment and they're using seinfeld as an example of investment that give the money did produce seinfeld should've been considered an investment because of all the money that they're able to burn uh... you know in syndication well you know for every seinfeld is probably a hundred shows that are canceling the first season or never even get picked up they did that that that they've been patient a pilot and not even going to be set up so how are these investments it's a complete loss every time somebody shoots eighty eight a movie that's consider making an investment relook when someone writes a book was someone good records of our song i mean this is not says to say that one of band records of song that that's an investment that investigating they're making music does that uh... that's that now sure they might be able to sell uh... that's on about what it what it thus on space one of nobody buys it undeniable because of service to try it out this as an investment meanwhile is already in the g_d_p_ anyway if the news this end records album people buy it is spending you spent money on the album the musician cards the money now he spends it on you know what drugs in sports cars that whatever he the musician is by it's still in the g_d_p_ to say that we got a count it as an investment some guidance writing poetry is make investment the article even said that is greeting cards that when someone writes a greeting card that's a that's a look are making an investment right now i am recording dictatorship show gee that's an investment a court of the government i'm investing right now because i am creating content on creating something that i can sell in the future i can license so therefore the act of doing the peter schiff show should be counted as an investment in uh... in g_d_p_ that i how they get a figure it out what kind of value in the old was signed uh... to something like this one what about what a guy writes a book you know he takes time offer workers in his spare time he writes a book now the government says that's an investment how much is the investment was nobody ever reads the book i mean the whole thing is nonsense ready i think i can write poetry all iran is an investment you know they'd be lousy palms i how how they were declan that my poetry i somehow amounts to an investment but that of the government's acclaim because they want to make the g_d_p_ will bigger but let me go to some other changes one of his in pension accounting but the kids the water they wanna make this change well i think this has to do with government spending because when the government spends money part of the government expenditures are the salaries had to pay is right to all of is workers and part of that salary is the patients now as of now the way they calculate that in g_d_p_ it's based on what the government actually pays you now part of compensation could be in a pension and then they count the amount of the contributions of the government puts a palace in dollars you know in a given year into a pension on behalf of the employees even though the employee does he get the money it still counts is that a government spent the money because they wrote the check for thousand bal i'm so it's part of the g_d_p_ now what they're going to do is they're not gonna base the spending on what they pay but what they promise to pay so in other words that the government promises to pay two thousand dollars worth of pension benefits but only funds one thousand where they calculate g_d_p_ they're gonna calkins count the two thousand dollar promise not the one hundred thousand dollar actual payment what what i did not senses that what they promised me a million dollars what they promised me a trillion dollars who cares what they promised if they can't possibly meet the promise why should be counted in g_d_p_ and other words about a compiled list as wherever a once and our g_d_p_ can go through the loan based on a budget anti government promises i mean who came up with his hair brained idea that we should give credit for what government says they're going to do even if they can't do it and they're not doing it amid a whole thing is not says no apparently there might be some federal uh... expenditures that are adjusted down based on this but the vast majority of expenditures will be going up which is exactly why they're doing that the government is not going to calculate a particular g_d_p_ change that is going to make the g_d_p_ smaller there's no vested interests for the government to do that they want to govern the g_d_p_ to look big so there are only going to be introducing changes where the net effect is to make the g_d_p_ larger that'd otherwise would have been here's one of the other changes uh... they are going to start to include certain expenditure is that you incur when you buy a house and they're gonna add that into the g_d_p_ figures now what is what does that have to do with investment you know provided cited by house how is that business investment and what about you know what what is that the bill that what they're gonna do going forward is when you buy a house to the extent that you need an attorney to help work on the closing of course a lot of people averell state attorneys and they pay legal bills i'll when they buy a house well these legal bills are now going to be included has an investment and added extra into the g_d_p_ what by the fact that i have to pay an attorney wise how is an investment how is the country uh... in better shape how are we at better able to produce more business future because my legal bills went up in here now and of course is not just legal bills apparently all of the administrative costs associate with buying a house including taxes that you may pay on the transaction for closing all those costs are now going to be included in that investment why lap i wud evidence in is that an investment and and i try to look for their and the article said that will often till this point the only part of the role state transaction that was considered an investment for calculating g_d_p_ was the commission that you pay the realtor whyy why is paid a realtor a commission why is that an investment at a house that any different that that that that day and uh... that than anything else that you might buy from somebody any other how's it different than the commission's you pay when you buy a stock manure you're investing money when you pay a brokerage commission i mean or a realtors commission what if someone buys a house and there is no commission where they just buy it from a friend that that that reduces the g_d_p_ so you increase the g_d_p_ so when brokers increase their commissions that means the investment is competent they lower their commissions which obviously would be a good thing right if commissions came down what are the only played a four percent commission on a house a set of a six percent that supposedly the track from the g_d_p_ because now it's on it's not a big as bigan investment but obviously uh... you know this is going to pad the g_d_p_ with all the uh... roast a transactions imagine how much brokerage commissions added to our g_d_p_ during the housing bubble there's one more little change out of how many there are this is just the changes that this particular journalists is focusing on and by the way my brother try to contact is journalist anne emilie belittled it by saying well you know it doesn't really grow g_d_p_ ca some changes are negative even though the whole article points out that is gonna add three percentage points the g_d_p_ here you know it's ok of course in dance and that increase but they want to close their eyes to what should be obvious that the government is just lie about this kind of stuff here is some another changed its in this thing and apparently this is getting the for the deflator right when they try to calculate inflation the government is going to come up with a new way of majoring in cost of bank's services and having a bank account no doubt the goal they are he is to reduced the cost component of banking so that the inflation number will end up being lower so the government is finding a way to make the g_d_p_ bigger by both throwing things into the g_d_p_ that don't belong there and by making a different or smaller so that they can make the the real number appear to be bigger fragment brother sent me and i get a lot of these from people in the mail sent me uh... is uh... indication of inflation is real-world i he had a bottle of uh... as spring uh... volcanoes its engine eric wright eight aspirin five hundred pill bottle materiality just ran out and the this figure on the last bottle was thirteen ninety nine and a new model for the same number of pills of the exact same generic aspirin now cost eighteen twenty nine and of course he's had it for a few years but he's looking at the expiration dates on both so we can pretty much guess about how much time has fifty-two transpired between the thirteen ninety nine model and the eight twenty nine model and according to my brother it translates into a ten percent increase in the price of those aspirins per year are over the time period on a short sees that same ingredients nothing is really changed in the ass for it's just another anecdotal evidence of a price increase of about ten percent per year over the past three or four years not be one-and-a-half percent increase that the government claims and i know i not be one-and-a-half percent increase that the government claims and i know i know there's all sorts of anecdotal evidence is that what you peter you can't you can't just find one thing it's not just one thing it's almost everything find me something that isn't going off in price attn here finally things are going up accorded the c_p_i_ hour by those things you know disturbing to you by your going up much faster then the c_p_i_ they don't actually sell c_p_i_ units uh... they actually sell real things and prices are going up and now of course it's gonna look like the economy is getting bigger uh... even though it isn't and this is just more flop on top of flopped our g_d_p_ is one big y who knows are what it really is but it's a lot smaller than what the government claims which means our deck in g_d_p_ numbers or already far bigger uh... than anybody cares to realize and why that's important is because the real g_d_p_ gives you the ability to service your debt but if you have a bs g_-eight g_d_p_ that's artificially inflated based on creative accounting that'd it does it mean the economy is generating the income necessary to service all of that debt